The Importance of Employee Monitoring Software in Today’s Workplace


Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

It is said, “Change is the only constant” ,which means change is inevitable and is a vital scenario in any ecosystem.With human evolution, there has been a need for change in the workplace too. Workplace has seen a drastic shift in both culture and working style.

Gone are the days when the employer’s expected the employees to come at specific time, working for specific shifts and emphasis was put primarily on the hours put in for the work but today, the organisations believe in a collaborative workplace with flexible work hours which is backed up with technology and tools which is best suited for modern employees.

Now, the employer’s have understood the need of its staff and tries to make the workplace and the workday prioritizing the employees well being to keep the whole ecosystem positive and the experience conducive for overall growth.

But, this also bought newer challenges for the employers as now they did not have any monitoring structure and the efficiency measurement was a problem. Also the employees needed a fair tool to measure their performance so that they are fairly compensated and rewarded.

Monitoring Software as a Solution

The changed workplace gave a hybrid work culture, flexible working hours, collaborative growth approach, learning and development opportunity.

But with this empowerment , came the need of fair monitoring as now the employer has no control on the working hours, shifts etc, so how will they understand the productivity of the workforce and it also posed the similar question for employees as now they needed a solution for fairly measuring their performance so that they are compensated and rewarded with no partiality and favouritism.

All of these challenges gave birth to employee monitoring softwares. In the past, these softwares were treated as micro management but today these are fairly recognised and are appreciated. 

Let us see some statistics for proving the underlying statement:
  1. According to a recent survey conducted by the American Management Association(AMA), 43% of companies in the U.S. monitor their employees’ email and other electronic communications.
  2. Recent research shows that productivity among employees increases by 7% when they are aware of being monitored, and has resulted in higher profits for the organisation.

Monitoring is the process by which the organisation is able to understand the productivity of the employees and at the same time it is the tool for employees to create their benchmarks and also ensure the fair compensation and reward systems.

Challenges faced by businesses in monitoring the workforce

Now when it is clear that monitoring is essential and benefits both the parties ; employer and employee . Let us understand what are the challenges faced by organisation in monitoring the employees:

  1. It is observed that 10-12% of HR resources waste their time in monitoring it’s employees.
  2. Potential threat of leakage of information vital to organisation – When the hybrid ecosystem is the new world , there comes a threat of leaking the secure information while handling the work online.
  3. Monitored workforce waste double the time cross checking their managers on the task and second guessing that the manager has seen them working.
  4. Training and development cannot be personalized and right training to the employees are not ensured.
  5. Collaborative culture cannot be worked upon, since the employee feels on surveillance rather than the a stakeholder for growth

Hence, there is a need of choosing the right kind of Monitoring softwares which mitigates the challenges and turns the cons of the modern workplace into pros. 


Monitoring is important and is in the best interest for both employer and employee. The right kind of software is needed so that a healthy ecosystem is built. We at Supersee ensure the right kind of monitoring happens in your organisation.

  1. Real time screen tracking : To ensure that your data is protected and is secured with the outside world.
  2. Customized Reporting : The organisations are able to understand the right fit for any project and also are able to extract data focussed approach while evaluating performance.
  3. Screencast and Screenshots: Enables the fast paced working and also ensures the visibility in order to create liveliness.
  4. Comprehensive Dashboards: enables organisations to make dashboards which give them insights on the softwares used by the employees,the websites they are spending time on which gives them insight about the training needs and also ensures the personalised learning and development happens.
  5. In short , monitoring is needed and cannot be ignored but the pros and cons need to be mitigated before choosing any monitoring softwares.
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